AL leaders glorify role of youths in nation building

BSS, Dhaka :
Focusing on the importance of strength, courage and steadfastness of youths in nation-building tasks, speakers here in a webinar advocated for optimum utilization of an organized youth force to deliver the best to socio-economic ventures and crises as well.
They praised the youths for their significant contributions to all past movements, including the 1952 Language Movement and the independence struggle and even the current ongoing coronavirus pandemic.
They were participating in the tenth episode of the ruling Awami League’s ongoing webinar titled ‘Beyond the Pandemic’ held recently. Prime Minister’s Special Assistant Barrister Shah Ali Farhad moderated the 10th episode titled ”Role of Youth in Fighting Covid-19 Crisis”, said a press release.
Deputy Minister for Water Resources AKM Enamul Haque Shameem ,MP, Sheikh Sarhan Naser Tonmoy ,MP, of Bagerhat-2, Khadizatul Anwar Sony ,MP, Bangladesh Awami League Deputy Office Secretary Sayem Khan and Bangladesh Chattra League President Al Nahian Khan Joy joined the programme through online.
In his deliberation, Enamul Haque Shameem glorified the contributions of youths to all past crises, movements and natural disasters, saying young people had played an important role in the 1952 Language Movement and War of Liberation and now in the current coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
Lawmaker Khadizatul Anwar Sony said before the birth of Bangladesh, the youth had played the biggest role in all struggles and crises.
She described the youth as the strength and future of Bangladesh.
Sayem Khan dwelt on the chorology of the Awami League in nurturing the culture of giving importance to the youth force.
From the central committee of the Awami League to the ward level committee, youths are being given priority everywhere, he said, adding that during the corona crisis, all the leaders and workers of the Awami League stood by the helpless and destitute people extending helping hands to the needy.
Medicine specialist Dr Farhad Uddin Hasan Chowdhury Maruf said : “The Covid-19 crisis is not only a challenge for our country but for the whole world. Many foreign politicians praised the endeavors of the Awami League government to deal with this epidemic.”
Al Nahian Khan Joy said since the beginning of the coronavirus outbreak, every AL leaders and workers from the grassroots to the central level, have been working to lessen the woes of the people and prevent the Covid-19 transmission.