AL leader stabbed to death in Chandpur


Our Correspondent :
A local Awami League (AL) leader was stabbed to death by some unidentified miscreants in Kumardoghi village under Sadar upazila of Chandpur on Monday night.
The victim has been identified as Azizur Rahman Bhutto (50), ex- Vice-president of Shah Mahmudpur union Awami League in Chandpur Sadar upazila. He was a trader by profession.
Locals sources said that Azizur came under attack from a group of miscreants at Kumardugi around 10pm when he was returning home from a local bazar by a motorcycle.
The miscreants stabbed him with sharp weapons and left him critically injured in the spot.
Hearing screams, locals rushed to the spot and took Azizur to Chandpur Sadar hospital, where doctors declared him dead.
Mizanur Rahman, Additional Superintendent (ASP) of Chandpur police confirmed the news to the media and said that Azizur might have been killed by his rivals over land related disputes.
“We are investigating the matter,” ASP said.
