AL leader shot at by snatcher

Staff Reporter :
An Awami League leader was shot at and his motorcycle snatched by miscreants at Savar, Dhaka on Thursday, police said.
The victim has been identified as Alauddin Mia, 40,
Hajratpur Union Unit General Secretary. He had been admitted to Enam Medical College and Hospital in Savar.
Witnesses said that a gang of four muggers riding on a microbus intercepted Alauddin on Dhaka-Aricha Highway around 10:00pm on Thursday, when he was returning home.
 “The miscreants opened fire on me and snatched my money, mobile phone set and the motorbike. Later, they left the scene, firing blank shots,” said Alauddin. Savar Model Police Station’s Officer-in-Charge Mostafa Kamal said that the police was investigating the incident. In separate incident, miscreants snatched money and ornaments from an expatriate by hacking him from the city’s Khilgaon Police Station on Friday.