AL leader hacked dead in Sirajganj


UNB, Sirajganj :
A local leader of Awami League was hacked to death following previous enmity at Jahangirnagar village in Tarash upazila on Saturday night.
The deceasee was identified as Altaf Hossain,35, organising secretary of AL Mathainagar union unit.
Police said some miscreants attacked Altaf around 9 pm while he was returning home from a local market and chopped him indiscriminately, leaving him critically injured.
Hearing his scram, when local people rushed to the spot the miscreants fled the scene. Altaf succumbed to his injuries on way to hospital.
Police said Altaf had longstanding enmity with one Thandu Member of the village and the murder might have took place following the enmity.
Police arrested one Jahedul Islam for interrogation.
