Al Jazeera report Rights groups seek clarification


News Desk :
Seven human rights groups requested the UN to use its meetings with Bangladesh military officials to discuss a clarification of the moot report by Al Jazeera, alleging the purchase of intrusive spy ware from Israel.
Human Rights Watch, International Federation for Human Rights, the World Organisation against Torture, The Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development, Robert F Kennedy Human Rights, The Asian Human Rights Commission, and Eleos Justice made the call.
The Bangladesh government stated that the reports were misleading inferencewhich went onto move a taint campaign.
According to a release posted on the website of New York-based Human Rights Watch on Saturday, they also wanted the UN to discuss the so-called human rights infringement record at home.
The Human Rights Watch further requested that the UN discuss human rights violations in the country, in accordance with the official website earlier on Saturday.
Human Rights Watch UN Director Louis Charbonneau said: “The UN should conduct its own inquiry into the allegations and take a fresh look at the human rights record of all Bangladesh units and individuals involved in peacekeeping missions.”
Bangladesh Chief Of Army Staff General Aziz Ahmed, will meet with UN officials to discuss how Bangladesh could perhaps play a larger role in UN peacekeeping. The meetings are scheduled for next week.
In response to Al Jazeera’s investigation, the military said that an army contingent was to be deployed in a UN peacekeeping mission, and the equipment was purchased for the use of that specific mission. The UN turned down these allegations on February 4, stating that they were not deploying this type of equipment in Bangladesh contingents.
