Al Jazeera report Bangladesh Army strongly denounces it


Bangladesh Army Headquarters on Tuesday strongly denounced news channel Al Jazeera’s investigative report “All the Prime Minister’s Men”, saying it is part of a move to break the harmony among different government organs.
“Bangladesh Army Headquarters condemns in the strongest possible words the concocted and ill intended report by a vested group in the news channel Al-Jazeera titled ‘All the Prime Minister’s Men’ aired on 02 February 2021 at 0200 hours BST,” said a rejoinder sent by Inter Service Public Relation (ISPR).
It said, “Bangladesh Army views the report as an attempt by the vested group to break the harmony among different government organs with a view to obstructing the growth and development of the country.”
The Army Headquarters also thinks the report is a sequel by the same vested group which has been attempting to destabilise the country in recent times.
“The commentators of the report are Mr. David Bergman, a convict of International Crimes Tribunal, Mr. Zulkarnain Saer Khan (featured as Sami in the report), an ex-cadet expelled from Bangladesh Military Academy on charges of drug addiction and Mr. Tasneem Khalil, the Chief Editor of infamous Netra News.
