AL happy over SC verdict


Awami League yesterday expressed satisfaction over the verdict of the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court (SC) upholding the capital punishment handed down by the International Crimes Tribunal to BNP standing committee member Salahuddin Quader Chowdhury for his crimes against humanity during the Liberation War of 1971.”Through this verdict, the long cherished expectations of the people of Bangladesh have been fulfilled,” said AL joint general secretary Advocate Jahangir Kabir Nanak while giving his party’s impromptu reaction at a press conference at the political office of Awami League (AL) presiden Sheikh Hasina at Dhanmondi in the city. “It’s a historic verdict. Through this, justice and the rule of law have been established. People of the country have been waiting for long for this verdict,” he said adding that the souls of three million martyrs of the Liberation War would get solace while two lakh sisters and mothers who were violated during the war got justice through this verdict.”The families of the martyrs, the war wounded freedom fighters and their new generation, who are still alive withstanding unbearable pains over the years, would also get consolation and comfort,” the AL leader said adding that it was a step forward in the implementation of the commitment of the daughter of Bangabandhu Sheikh Hasina given to the nation to hold trial of the war criminals.”We want to say in unequivocal terms that the trial of the war criminals for their crimes against humanity would be completed in the sacred soil of Bangladesh whatever might be the conspiracy, acts of subversion and destruction, anarchy and violence let loose by Khaleda Zia-Tarique and the BNP-Jamaat combine,” Nanak added.At the outset of the press conference, the ruling Awami League, on behalf of the party and people of Bangladesh, expressed deep shock and sorrow at the sudden demise of former president of India ‘Bharat Ratna’ Dr APJ Abdul Kalam, an internationally reputed nuclear scientist who was affectionately called “the people’s president.” “In his demise, Bangladesh and its people lost a tested friend,” the Awami League mentioned. Alongside, the party prayed for eternal peace of his departed soul and conveyed profound sympathy to the bereaved family and the people of India at this time of their bereavement.
