AL govt welcomes criticism

BSS, Dhaka :
Information Minister Dr Hasan Mahmud said the Awami League government always welcomes criticism as it helps adopt the right path.
“The government of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina always welcomes criticism as it helps the government take the right path,” he said this on Thursday while addressing the graduation ceremony of a training programme titled ‘Young Leader Fellowship’ at a hotel in city’s Baridhara.
Urging all, irrespective of political affiliation, to come forward to build a developed nation, the minister said the Awami League government always believes in establishing a society based on argument and logic.
Democracy International organized the four-month training programme for young political activists of different political parties, including Awami League, BNP and Jatiya Party.
Dr Hasan, also the ruling AL’s Publicity and Publication Secretary, said discussions, criticisms, arguments and logic can make the base of a democratic country. And a society moves ahead in this way, he added.
The minister said Bangabandhu’s daughter Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina always welcome the criticism. “Even, we are giving more importance to the opinions of the opposition lawmakers in parliament,” he added.
Thanking the organizer for organizing such a training programme for the youths, Dr Hasan said this is really good for a democratic country as activists of Awami League, BNP, Jatiya Party and other parties are taking training together.