AL factional clash at BD embassy in Washington

block :Two Awami League factions flung furniture and pounded each other with fists on the day of national mourning at Washington’s Bangladesh embassy, leaving diplomats and expatriates red-faced in embarassment.A Washington Juba League leader was injured when hit on the head by a chair during the Mourning Day programme at the embassy on Saturday.Washington police intervened and arrested two of the trouble-makers. “A speech by one provoked few others and led to the fisticuff. Police intervened to bring the situation under control,” said Press Secretary Shamim Ahmed.Injured Juba League leader ‘Raju’ was under treatment in local Howard hospital. Virginia state Awami League General Secretary GI Russel and Washington Metro Awami League Vice-President Sadegh Khan have been nabbed by the local police.Russel was later shifted to George Washington hospital after detention because he was injured during the fracas.Washington-based journalist Haroon Chowdhury told that the national mourning was being observed peacefully at the embassy.
