AL council to design next course of dev

BSS, Dhaka :
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina yesterday said the coming council of Awami League would be held with an objective of organizing the party to stay in power aimed at completing the unfinished tasks to build a hunger- and poverty-free country by 2021.
“Bangladesh is progressing fast in every sector and rural people are enjoying the benefit of economic development as Awami League is in power successively. We have to maintain the continuity and the party leaders and workers must remember it,” she said. The Prime Minister, also the president of the country’s oldest political party Awami League, was
delivering the inaugural speech at the meeting of Awami League Central Working Committee (ALCWC) at her Gonobhaban residence here yesterday evening.
Sheikh Hasina said the council will bring necessary amendments to the party’s declaration and constitution to include special directions and goals to make the country completely poverty- and hunger-free by 2021 and a developed one by 2041. Sheikh Hasina said the council slated for October 22 and 23 has created an unprecedented enthusiasm among the people as it’s very important in terms of ascertaining the next course of development path of the country towards prosperity.