AL, BNP take KCC polls as acid test

Campaign ends today, both parties hopeful to win, analysts look it as litmus test for EC, govt

Reza Mahmud :
The election of Khulna City Corporation (KOO) scheduled for May 15 is the acid test for the ruling Awami League and its archrival BNP because it is being held ahead of the national election.
The city polls is also a litmus test for the government, the administration and the Election Commission as it will reflect their neutrality and capability of holding the national election, analysts said.
“The KCC polls is also an acid test for the two major parties as it may reflect their popularity ahead of the national election. Through this, it will also be proved how much the government, the EC and the administration are capable to hold a neutral national election,” Professor Dr. Md. Sharif Uddin of Jahangir Nagar University told The New Nation on Saturday.
He said the BNP has expressed doubts over holding the election in a free, fair and neutral manner. It wants the EC, the government and the administration should show neutrality for the sake of an acceptable election, he said.
As today is the last day of campaign, both the parties expressed hope that they would win in the voting race. However, the BNP also said the polls must be held in a free and fair manner.
Awami League nominated mayoral candidate Talukder Abdul Khaleque, who had hectic campaigns in the fields, is hopeful to win the mayoral race.
“I am working for the people. I hope the people will choose
me on Tuesday’s polls. They know me well. If I am elected all the development works will go on smoothly with my direct supervision,” Talukder Abdul Khaleque said on Saturday while addressing the voters during his campaign.
On the other hand, Nazrul Islam Manju, the BNP nominated mayoral candidate, said, around 150 important leaders and activists of his party have been arrested during the voting campaigns. He said 23 of his party men were arrested on Friday alone.
“We are hiding our polling agents from the police as they are driving massive drive against BNP men in the city,” he alleged while addressing a press briefing at his resident in the city.
Manju said, he is hopeful to win the Tuesday’s vote if the EC and police play a neutral role.
He, however, demanded deployment of Army for acceptable polls.
BNP Standing Committee Member Gayeshwar Chandra Roy has taken part in the party nominated mayoral candidate Manju’s campaign in the KCC areas for about 10 days recently.
Gayeshwar Roy told The New Nation, “If the EC and administration play a neutral role and if the people of the city can exercise their franchise, then Manju must win. I witnessed people’s overwhelming support for him.
However, he observed that police are playing as the main opponent of the BNP candidate. “The ignorant roles of the EC made us disappointed. We hope the EC and the police will return to their neutral track to hold the city polls in free and fair manner.”
When contacted, AL presidium member Dr. Abdur Razzak told The New Nation on Saturday, “The KCC polls will be held in a free, fair and acceptable manner. Our mayoral candidate Talukder Abdul Khaleque is a popular leader and we are confident about his win. That is why he resigned from MP post and joined the race.”
He said, the BNP involved in false propaganda that the KCC polls will not be held in a free and fair manner. It is their habit to complaint against us.
“You know that the BNP had also alleged before the Cumilla City Corporation polls that it will be rigged by Awami League. But they won there. It proved that they were not in right way to criticize the government,” said Dr. Razzak.