Meet on Jan 5: AL, BNP now choose alternative venue


Staff Reporter :Both the Awami League and its archrival BNP have backtracked on their earlier plans to hold rally at the Suhrawardy Udyan in the city tomorrow (January 5).The ruling Awami League on Sunday said that it would hold its rally at Bangabandhu Avenue if it does not get permission from Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) authorities to hold the rally at the Suhrawardy Udyan. On the other hand, the BNP has already applied for permission from the DMP to hold the rally at Nayapaltan as an alternative to the Suhrawardy Udyan.The BNP earlier announced that the 20-party alliance would stage countrywide demonstrations with black flags and hold a rally in the capital’s Suhrawardy Udyan on January 5 to observe the day what the party terms ‘Democracy Killing Day’.Shortly after BNP’s announcement, the ruling Awami League announced counter programme at the same venue terming January 5 as ‘Democracy Protection Day’. In this situation, the DMP authorities on Sunday declared that any permission for holding counter rally would not be given at the Suhrawardy Udyan to avert any unexpected situation. BNP joint secretary general Ruhul Kabir Rizvi Ahmed at a press conference at the party’s Nayapaltan central office on Sunday said that the party wants to hold the rally in front of its office. He said that they have sent a letter to the DMP seeking permission to hold its rally in front of its office.The BNP leader alleged that the Awami League is escalating tension by calling counter programme. “They want to foil our programme and creating chaos when we sought permission for exercising our democratic right in a peaceful way,” he said. When asked about the BNP’s plan if the authorities don’t allow the party from holding the planned rally even at Nayapaltan, the BNP leader said they would decide later if such a situation arises. He said that they will wait for permission until January 5 and they are taking necessary preparations to make it a success.The BNP had earlier vowed to hold the Monday’s rally, no matter whether the party is given permission or not.On the other hand, AL joint general secretary Mahbubul Alam Hanif at a press conference at the AL president’s Dhanmondi office said that the party is ready to hold its January 5 rally at Bangabandhu Avenue. “We came to know that the police will allow none to hold the meeting at Suhrawardy Udyan. That is why we will hold the rally in front of the AL central office,” he said.Asked whether both the parties will come face to face with their programmes, the AL leader said, “Last time they had a good reply after doing anarchy, this time the reply will be much harsher by the people and the law enforcement agencies.”Meanwhile, Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan Kamal said that if there is any fear of insecurity, the law enforcing agencies would look into the matter and take proper steps. The BNP will be given the permission or not to stage rally in the city will be decided after the assessment of the security arrangement.He said that the law enforcing agencies will assess the security arrangements and give permission to BNP to hold a rally if there is no chance of insecurity.
