AL-backed panel win Bar Council polls


Ruling Awami League-backed Sammilito Ainjibi Parishad has swept the Bar Council polls against the BNP-backed Jatiyatabadi Ainjibi Oikya Parishad. Sammilito Ainjibi Parishad (white panel) won 10 out of 14 posts of Bangladesh Bar Council, the licencing and regulatory body for lawyers. In general category, the white panel has got three posts out of seven and in group category, it has got six posts out of seven. Barrister M Amir-ul Islam, Abdul Baset Majumdar, Rokon Uddin Mahmud, Abdul Matin Khasru and ZI Khan Panna have won from ruling Awami League-back panel. The candidates who have won the group posts are Kazi Nazibullah Hero of Group-A, HR Jahid Anwar of Group-B, Ibrahim Hossain Chowdhury of Group-C, Parvej Alam Khan of Group-E, Mohammad Yahiya of Group-F and Mohammad Rezaul Karim of Group-G. From the BNP-supported panel, Advocate Khandaker Mahbub Hossain, AJ Mohammad Ali and AM Mahbub Uddin (Khokon) won the election. The election of the Bangladesh Bar Council was held peacefully across the country on Wednesday. A total of 43,302 voters cast their votes while at least 61 candidates– 32 for general posts and 29 for group posts – contested in the polls. Of them, 14 elected members will take the office for the next three years.–
