AL awaits a big victory, says Quader

UNB, Dhaka :
Claiming that their party is much ahead of BNP on all counts, Awami League General Secretary Obaidul Quader on Friday said the ruling party will register a massive win in the forthcoming general election.He made the remarks while addressing a press conference at the AL president’s Dhanmondi political office in the morning.Quader, also Road Transport and Bridges Minister, claimed that BNP is making imaginary allegations about secretaries and police officials.He, however, said no mechanism will work unless people are with them.About the murder of BNP nomination seeker and Jashore BNP
Vice-president Abu Bakar Abu after he came to Dhaka to collect party nomination form, the AL leader said their parity was in no way involved in the incident. “The incident might have happened following BNP’s internal conflict. Awami League doesn’t want to keep BNP away from the election in any way.”About the use of electronic voting machines (EVMs) in the general election, he said EVMs will not be used all over Bangladesh and cited the Sylhet City Corporation election was held using EMVs which they lost.