Al-Arafah approves 15 pc dividend


Economic Reporter :Al-Arafah Islami Bank Ltd. has approved 10 percent cash dividend and 5 percent stock dividend for the year ended on 31st December 2015 in its 21st Annual General Meeting (AGM) held on Wednesday in the city.Badiur Rahman, Chairman, Board of Directors of the Bank presided over the meeting.Directors Alhajj Abdul Malek Mollah, Alhajj Hafej Md. Enayetullah, Alhajj Ahamedul Haque, Alhajj Abdus Samad, Alhajj Engr. Kh. Mesbah Uddin Ahmed, Alhajj Abdus Salam, Alhajj Niaz Ahmed, Mohammed Emadur Rahman, Anwar Hossain, Md. Liakat Ali Chowdhury, Salim Rahman, Founder Chairman Alhajj A.Z.M. Shamsul Alam, Managing Director Md. Habibur Rahman, Company Secretary, Deputy Managing Directors, Executive Vice Presidents, Executives, Officers and large number of Shareholders were present on the occasion. The Bank achieved growth of 1.82 percent in deposit and 10.74 percent in investment during the year 2015 compared to 2014.
