AIUB VC joins IAUP Confce in UK

Campus Report :
To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the International Association of University Presidents (IAUP), a semi-annual meeting was held recently in Farleigh Dickinson University’s Wroxton College, Wroxton, United Kingdom and a conference in Oxford University’s Trinity College, United Kingdom.
Wroxton College was the place where IAUP was founded and launched on June 28, 1965.
The conference focused on the challenges facing the future of higher education. The Vice Chancellor of American International University – Bangladesh (AIUB), Dr Carmen Z Lamagna in her capacity as a member of the IAUP Board of Trustees and former Treasurer attended the board and the Semi Annual Meeting.
She chaired a session in the conference on “The Regional Perspective on the Future of Higher Education”. The Chairman, Board of Trustees of AIUB, Mr. Ishtiaque Abedin also attended the conference.