AIUB VC in 100 Filipina influential women list


Campus Report :
The Filipina Women Network has awarded Dr Carmen Z Lamagna, the Vice Chancellor of American International University – Bangladesh (AIUB), as one of the 100 influential Filipina women in the world under the category of “Builders”. The ceremony was held recently in the Shangrila Hotel, Makati City, Philippines.
The 100 Most Influential Filipina Women in the World Award™ recognizes women of Philippine ancestry who are influencing the face of leadership in the global workplace, having reached status for outstanding work in their respective fields and are recognized for their achievement and contributions to society, and legacy. Builders have demonstrated exceptional business impact at a large workplace environment; displaying deep passion for a cause through collaborative initiatives at a nonprofit institution; high potential and skill with measurable results at a government agency, or organization in any field.
 “Builders” is about building better organizations, leading broken organizations to adjust, repair, and re-align.
