AI demands release of Rasraj

UNB, Dhaka :
Amnesty International has urged people to demand immediate and unconditional release of Rasraj Das who was arrested over the attack on the Hindu community in Nasirnagar of Brahmanbari.
The watchdog, in a statement issued on Thursday, also called upon people to write the Bangladesh government to promptly investigate the attacks on the Hindu community and bring those responsible to account in fair trials and without recourse to the death penalty. Besides, it asked them to urge the government to repeal the Section 57 of the ICT Act and repeal or amend other laws that are not compatible with Bangladesh’s international human rights obligations.
The rights group said Hindu fisherman Rasraj Das, 25, has been detained since October 2016. He was arrested for allegedly posting an ‘offensive’ image on Facebook and charged with ‘hurting religious sentiment.’
Even though police have recently stated that he was not responsible for posting the image, the charge has not been dropped and he was denied bail on January 3, it said.
On October 30 last, hundreds of people gathered in Nasirnagar to protest a Facebook post allegedly made by Rasraj Das which they claimed insulted Islam. The mob, which allegedly had links to the groups Hefajate-Islam and Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat, went on a rampage through Hindu villages in the area, vandalising at least 100 homes and several temples, the statement added.
Rasraj Das was arrested on October 30 and charged by police in Brahmanbaria for violating Section 57 of the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Act for ‘hurting religious sentiment’. Under this draconian law, an individual can face up to 14 years in jail for ‘publishing fake, obscene or defaming information in electronic form’ or information which ‘prejudices the image of the State or person,Amnesty said.
Rasraj Das’ family is seriously concerned about his well-being in prison, although according to his lawyer he has not suffered torture or other ill-treatment, Amnesty said.