Agricultural and dietary diversity must for food security


In terms of fortifying food and nutrition security in the country, experts have emphasised the diversification of agricultural production by disbursing more farm credit, promoting contract farming, and investing in research to increase the productivity of rice, non-rice crops, livestock, and fisheries. In the backdrop of decreasing arable lands, engaging the private sector for developing agricultural value chains, policy intervention for producing high-value and high-nutritive food production, and enhancing crop intensity are the major takeaways. The suggestions came up at a seminar held recently in the city. We know, Bangladesh has rebounded from the temporary food insecurity – induced by the Covid-19 pandemic. Its economy has been on track with positive growth, while most of the countries in the world posted negative growth.
Inclusive approach to improve the food systems can also help achieve SDGs in a comprehensive manner. State Minister Dr Shamsul Alam said nutrition intervention through behaviour change communication could increase food and nutrition security in the country. Reducing adverse impacts of climate change on agricultural production by lowering emissions of critical climate-warming gases can also help improve the transformation of the food systems. In Bangladesh, 64 percent of the calorie intake comes from rice, while the staple is also the source of 50.9 percent of protein, 32.1 percent iron, and 56 percent zinc. As rice is not a good source of protein and other minerals, the dietary practice of the people is required to diversify.
Of the total farmers in the country, over 54.5 per cent grow only rice, which shows that the country’s agricultural production diversification needs to go a long way. To attain sustainable food security and the major SDGs related to poverty, food, and health; the country needs to emphasise on food diversity and cross cutting initiatives like agricultural apparatus, research, processing plus market linkage and dietary diversity.
To change behaviour in production, consumption and marketing strong policy support, credit law support and monitoring are needed.
