Agri technology fair begins in Rangamati

BSS, Rangamati :
A three-day agriculture technology fair began at Rangamati Municiality office premises on Wednesday to disseminate latest agriculture technology know-how among the hilly farmers of the district.
Department of Agriculture Extension (DAE) organized the fair, in association with the Rangamati Hill District council, to boost agriculture production in the hill district.
Chairman of Rangamati Hill District Council, Briso Ketu Chakma, while inaugurating the fair urged the hilly farmers to raise food and vegetable production by adopting latest agriculture technology.
A discussion meeting was also held on the occasion at the fair venue with deputy director of DAE, Romoni Mohan Chakma, in the chair.
Earlier, a colorful procession, led by Briso Ketu Chakma, was brought out to drum up the fair a success.
Officers and staff of Agriculture Department, farmers, NGO workers and local people took part in the procession.