Africa leaders in Burkina for talks

BBC Online :
The presidents of Ghana, Nigeria and Senegal are to visit Burkina Faso to press the military for a speedy handover of power to a civilian ruler.
The African Union (AU) says the army acted unconstitutionally when it took over after President Blaise Compaore was forced to resign on Friday.
The AU on Monday gave the army a two-week deadline. Interim leader Lt Col Isaac Zida later promised to comply.
Compaore quit after mass protests at his bid to extend his 27-year rule.
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Representing the West African regional body Ecowas, Senegalese President Macky Sall, Goodluck Jonathan of Nigeria and Ghana’s John Mahama are expected to arrive in the capital Ouagadougou later on Wednesday.
A statement from President Jonathan’s office said the three-man Ecowas delegation aimed to “facilitate the rapid resolution of the current political crisis in Burkina Faso”.
They will hold a series of meetings to press for the quick handover, following a threat by the AU to impose sanctions if the military did not act within two weeks.
The BBC’s Emmanuel Igunza in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa says the sanctions could include suspension of Burkina Faso’s AU membership and a travel ban on military officials.