Afghan parliament approves cabinet nominees

Agencies, Kabul :
Afghanistan’s parliament has approved 16 cabinet nominees after months of delays against a backdrop of attacks in which dozens of people died in the country’s east.
Abdul Rauf Ibrahimi, speaker of the parliament’s lower house, said on Saturday that the decision now means the 25-member cabinet of President Ashraf Ghani is nearly complete.
There still has not been a defence minister approved by parliament as Ghani and Abdullah Abdullah, the chief executive officer, have disagreed on who to nominate for the position.
Al Jazeera’s Jennifer Glasse, reporting from Kabul on Sunday, said: “This is a great step forward for the government considering that in the last vote in February, only eight of the 25 nominees were approved.
“However, the disagreement between Abdullah and Ghani over who to nominate for defence minister is a big sticking point.”
The lack of ministers has caused problems for Ghani’s government, slowing its work and upsetting many people in the country.