Afghan election frontrunner vows reconciliation with Karzai


AFP, Kabul :A frontrunner to succeed Afghan President Hamid Karzai has said his one time rival should continue to serve a role in politics and that he wouldn’t pursue “vengeance” against the man he claims stole the last election.A former ophthalmologist and resistance fighter against invading Soviet forces in the 1980s, Abdullah Abdullah served as Karzai’s foreign minister from late 2001 to 2005.Following the 2009 poll, which was widely discredited as massively fraudulent by the international community, Abdullah accused Karzai of “stealing” the vote.Abdullah along with former World Bank economist Ashraf Ghani are seen as the two leading candidates in the race to succeed Karzai, with more than seven million people defying bad weather and Taliban threats to vote last week.Observers have long suspected Karzai of coveting a key role in the country’s politics after leaving the presidency.
