Advance preparedness to mitigate loss of natural disaster emphasized


State Minister for Disaster Management and Relief Dr Enamur Rahman laid emphasis on advance preparedness to mitigate the loss of natural disaster.
He made the remarks on Wednesday during a mock exercise on earthquake and fire accident at the National Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedic Rehabilitation commonly known as Pangu Hospital, marking the International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction.
“Bangladesh is a vulnerable country because of its geographical location. Hurricane, flood, earthquake are very common natural disasters in our country. Advance alertness can minimize the losses,” he said. The loss of life and property has been reduced to a great extent as the government has procured many modern equipment and developed technology to deal with disasters, ” Enamur added.
Senior Secretary of the ministry Shah Kamal, Secretary of Health Department Asadul Isalm, Director of Pangu Hospital Prof. Abdul Goni Molla, among others, spoke on the occasion.
