Adv Mahbub urges govt to resign

Staff Reporter :
Supreme Court Bar Association (SCBA) President Khandaker Mahbub Hossain has called upon the government to resign and ensure a peaceful handover of power
The government should hold a discussion on handing over power with all political parties considering the interest of the nation, he said while speaking at a
 press briefing at Shaheed Shafiur Rahman auditorium on Monday.
The SCBA president who is also an adviser to BNP Chairperson Begum Khaleda Zia claimed the government had completely failed to protect people’s lives and properties, and had become dependent on the law enforcement agencies and the administration to cling to power illegally.
“Disconnecting power lines to Begum Zia’s office was an abominable incident reflecting political vengeance. It is also a serious threat against Khaleda’s life,” said Mahbub.
The government will have to pay the price for this, he cautioned.
He also accused the members of the law enforcing agencies of being biased towards the ruling party.
“They are taking away people’s rights,” he added.