SCBA urges govt: Admit Khaleda to United Hospital for treatment

Staff Reporter :
The leaders of the Supreme Court Bar Association (SCBA) on Tuesday requested the government to admit BNP Chairperson Begum Khaleda Zia in the city’s United Hospital for better treatment.
Her physical condition is so bad that she has been bedridden. She has been
suffering from many serious diseases. The lawyers said this at a press conference arranged by the SCBA in the Supreme Court Bar Auditorium.
SCBA President Advocate Zainul Abedin read a written statement in the press briefing. Bar Secretary Barrister A M Mahbub Uddin Khokan and other leaders were present on the occasion.
 “The government is sending Khaleda Zia to death by keeping her in a solitary room. We see human rights violating here. So, we are very concern as the lawyers of the Supreme Court,” read the written statement.
 “It is not a listed jail where other prisoners also stay with Khaleda Zia. It’s a solitary confinement. The government intentionally has locked her there. It is really very heartbreaking.”
 “Today people question the judiciary’s independence. The government has already forced an ex. chief justice to leave the country. So, if the people say that the government may have its hands behind staying the bail awarded to Khaleda Zia by the High Court, it should not be censured. Yet we are hopeful that she will get bail from the Appellate Division after its hearing.”
Barrister Mahbub Uddin Khokan said, “We requested the government to keep Khaleda Zia’s personal physicians on the medical board for her treatment. But the government did not agree. We think, there is a conspiracy behind this.”