Admission to college on merit basis

OVER 14.31 lakh students passed SSC and equivalent examinations this year started their fight for admission to colleges from Tuesday (today) throughout the country. Selection of colleges and winning a seat in preferred colleges for hundred of thousands of students is a horrendous job but we must say the Education Boards must arrange such admission on the basis of merit.

The big question that also figures out at this moment is how far we are planning to switch the general education to technical education. Because producing aimless graduates brings no good to the nation in contrast to producing a skilled worker or a professional when the country needs the most such services. So while creating seats for admission, we must also keep in mind the long term objective of our education.

Media reports in a national daily on Monday said selection process for admission has become easier this year to avoid harassment to students and guardians that left many utterly devastated in previous years. Board authorities claim someone only needs to click a computer button or SMS message to the Board listing preference of 10 colleges alongwith results grading. No more admission test. The digitization of admission will help avoids physical crowding.


It is welcome that Education Boards would select one college for each admission seeker on the basis of their list. The students will have the option later to migrate to another college subject to availability of seat. But many apprehend that the complexities in admission to prestigious colleges will largely remain. Because of admission overcrowding, breach of the rule may be widespread, as powerful people will push their candidates at the cost of other meritorious students.

It is good that the new admission guideline has fixed the admission fees that different categories of colleges can realize from students. Colleges in rural or municipal areas cannot charge more than Tk 1,000 as admission fees and the amount to be Tk 2,000 for colleges at district towns. In metropolitan areas other than Dhaka colleges cannot realize more than Tk 3,000. Colleges in metropolis Dhaka can charge a maximum of Tk 9,000 for Bangla medium and Tk 10,000 for English version respectively. Many believe it will be a significant step if the colleges adhere to the guideline without resorting to unauthorized practice to realize additional fees dubbed as development fees, sports fees, library fees etc.

We also know that many private colleges routinely take huge monetary contribution from parents for admission of students with poor results. The management-run most such institutions as business enterprise breaking discipline and it will be good if the new admission system can be able to wipeout it. Admission business is a thousand crore business resorted to by wealthy people, political leaders and greedy teachers to make illegal fortune; it is not easier to get rid of it. But we must make sure that students should not be held hostage anyway during the admission process.
