Adequate plantation for elevating poverty in char areas stressed

BSS, Rajshahi :
Extensive fruit tree plantation can help eradicating poverty in the char areas alongside meeting up the protein deficiency and addressing the adverse impact of climate change, development activists said.
To this end, there should have measures of motivating the char people towards tree plantation and government and non-government organizations concerned should work together in this regard.
The observation came at separate brief-discussions held at different communities in Char Alatali and Char Narayanpur Unions in Sadar upazila of Chapainawabgonj district marking distribution of mango-tree saplings among 250 female farmers on Thursday.
There are more than 20,000 families live in the riverbeds and they are
deprived of most of the fundamental rights particularly education, health and sanitation, officials concerned said.
Agriculture Sustainable and Socioeconomic Development Organization
(ASSEDO) under its Nadi O Ziban (River and Life) Project-2 organized the tree sapling distribution programme in association with Concern Worldwide and Irishaid. Regional Horticulture Research Station donated the saplings.
The initiative has been taken to increase agricultural production and income of marginalised and vulnerable families of the Barind tract by adapting climate adaptive sustainable agricultural technologies, diversifying income generating activities and skill development.
ASSEDO Executive Director Agriculturist Rabiul Alam, Narayanpur UP Chairman Alamgir Kabir, school teacher Ismail Hossain, UP members Azim Uddin,Joshna Begum and Altaf Hosain, local char alliance members Kamrunnahar, Jakaria and Momtaj Begum, Project Manager Nurul Islam and Supervisor Rakibul Islam spoke on the occasion, among others.
The discussants viewed that natural calamities especially drought and flood are creating negative impact on agriculture and food security and the ability of people to withstand climatic variability.
Rabiul Alam said that the main thrust of the five-year Nadi O Ziban programme is to ensure food security of the extreme poor community through involving them in diversified productive and income generating activities.
To this end, the project has provision to reduce the erosion of assets and income especially homesteads houses, standing crops, livestock, trees, utensils and furniture.
Linkage is being established with Union level disaster management committee for capacity building and reducing their vulnerability relating to the adverse impact of climate change through organizational and national level climate change initiatives.
Upon successful implementation of the project by June 2016, acreage of homestead gardening coupled with the number of gardeners will be enhanced.
As a whole, livelihood condition of the targeted people will be elevated side by side with qualitative change in farming activities and production.