US to Myanmar: Address root causes of Rohingya crisis

UNB, Dhaka :
US Ambassador to Bangladesh Earl R Miller has urged Myanmar to address the root causes of Rohingya crisis expressing strong support to hold accountable those responsible persons for the atrocities committed against Rohingyas in Myanmar.
“It’s Myanmar’s responsibility to address the root causes of the refugee crisis, including providing the Rohingya access to citizenship, freedom of movement, access to livelihoods, and other key recommendations of the Annan Commission,” he said.
The US envoy made the remarks in a statement as he completed his first visit to Cox’s Bazar on Thursday during which he visited several Rohingya camps and Bangladesh host communities from December 4.
He heard heartbreaking stories from recently arrived refugees and consulted with UN and government officials and NGO representatives on current issues and future challenges in the refugee response.
The visit to Cox’s Bazar by US Ambassador to Bangladesh signifies the importance of the Rohingya refugee issue to the
United States, said the US Embassy in Dhaka.
He described Bangladesh as a strategic US partner in the region and characterized the strong US-Bangladesh relationship as one driven by common interests.