Add 5pc to GDP if 10pc cut PP wastage: Minister

Planning Minister AHM Mustafa Kamal, addressing the inaugural ceremony of a 3-daylong international conference titled 'Third South Asia Regional Public Procurement Conference' at a city hotel on Sunday.
Planning Minister AHM Mustafa Kamal, addressing the inaugural ceremony of a 3-daylong international conference titled 'Third South Asia Regional Public Procurement Conference' at a city hotel on Sunday.
Economic Reporter :
Planning Minister AHM Mustafa Kamal Sunday informed if we can prevent ten percent wastage in public procurement, it would add 0.5 percent to country’s GDP at the inaugural ceremony of a 3-daylong international conference titled ‘Third South Asia Regional Public Procurement Conference’ as the chief guest at a city hotel.
Central Procurement Technical Unit (CPTU) organized this international conference with the financial assistance of World Bank and Asian Development Bank (ADB).
Mustafa Kamal said, ‘we need to evaluate price value of a procurement considering its efficiency, lifetime and salvage value. This type of prudence will prevent wastage in procurement’.
Planning Minister Added,’ We have to consider right quantity, right place from where product would be purchased and right time of purchasing will ensure professionalism in procurement’.
Minister said,’ we all should remember public procurement means involvement of taxpayers money in purchasing. So, ensuring of transparency, accountability and efficiency is a must in any kind of procurement to provide tax payers ‘value for their money’. And in this case there is no alternative of electronic procurement’.
Kamal informed, ‘ In the short period of time, all the procurement activities would be paperless’.
Planning Minister Mentioned,’ in the seventh five year plan, we projected average GDP growth 7.4 percent. To translate this projection into reality, we have to invest huge amount of money. For this reason, we will go e-GP system’.
State Minister for Finance Ministry and Planning Minister MA Mannan spoke at the Conference as Special Guest. He said, ‘ Every time people want to know how we are spending public money in procurement. We both realize and recognize this demand of citizen and would like to ensure transparency and accountability. As a result, we are going to total e-procurement system’.
In his speech acting World Bank Country Director Martin Rama said, ‘ South Asia region needs investment of 1.5 trillion dollar in its infrastructure and energy sector. Again, Currently, Bangladesh does expenditure one fourth of its budget in procurement. So, ensuring accountability and transparency, e-procurement is a must in this case.
Martin Rama also said,’ Government should engage private sector in procurement procedures to establish full-fledged professionalism. Since 2002 World Bank has provided its helping hand to Bangladesh and we will continue it. We would like to establish not only compliance but better performance in procurement’.
Asian Development Bank (ADP) Country Director in Bangladesh Kazuhiko Higuchi said,’ ADP will help Bangladesh to set up digitalized system in public procurement.’
In his welcome speech DG of Central Procurement Technical Unit (CPTU) Faruque Hossain said, ‘In public procurement, Bangladesh is shifting from manual to automation process and it is getting popular and stronger day by day’.
The main objective of the Conference, under the theme, “Innovation for Sustainable Procurement Performance” is to provide a platform for the public procurement practitioners and stakeholders to share knowledge and experiences of good procurement practices with a view to continuously enhancing performance in the public procurement system.
Around 50 public procurement policy makers, practitioners, experts/speakers from South Asian countries, Europe, USA, South East Asia and Canada will be attending Technical Sessions of the Conference.
This is the first time Bangladesh is hosting an international conference on public procurement. Earlier, in 2011 and 2014 both Nepal and Pakistan hosted first and second conference respectively.