ADB’s net allocable income for 2017 reaches $690.1m

UNB, Manila :
The Asian Development Bank’s (ADB) Board of Governors have adopted a resolution to allocate$690.1million in net allocable income of its 2017 Ordinary Capital Resources (OCR) at ADB’s 51st Annual Meeting here.
The ordinary reserve will be allocated$350.7million to support ADB’s capital adequacy and provide an earnings base to generate net income.
The Asian Development Fund (ADF), which provides grants to ADB’s low-income member countries, will get$259.4million.
The Technical Assistance Special Fund, which provides a stable and predictable funding source for ADB’s technical assistance (TA), will receive$80.0million.
TA is one of ADB’s primary operational instruments for delivering assistance to its developing member countries.
ADB’s financial position strengthened following the merger of the bank’s concessional ADF lending operations with the OCR balance sheet on 1 January 2017.
The merger increased ADB’s equity base from$17billion to$48billion, and the equity-to-loan ratio from 25.9% at the end of 2016 to 51.0% on 1 January 2017.