ADB to strengthen coop with BD for growth

UNB, Dhaka :
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) on Monday expressed its willingness to strengthen cooperation further with Bangladesh to help the country take its growth and development to the next level.
ADB Country Director for Bangladesh Manmohan Prokash met Foreign Minister Dr AK Abdul Momen at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and discussed various issues of future cooperation, especially in the areas of infrastructure and skill development.
He also expressed his willingness to increase cooperation with the Bangladesh government in other socio-economic sectors, including skill development activities of the Foreign Ministry.
The minister briefed the ADB Country Director about the recent development of the Rohingya crisis.
He thanked international communities, especially ADB, for providing humanitarian assistance to Rohingya camps and the grant of US$ 100 million.
Dr Momen urged the ADB Country Director to raise the issue with the international community and secure necessary funding and other humanitarian supports, given the land and resource constraints in Bangladesh, said the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
He briefed Manmohan on the visionary leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina to ensure socio-economic development in Bangladesh.