Adapt policy to turn waste into resource: speakers


Staff Reporter :
Building zero waste communities can help us reduce waste and drive greater resource productivity and also create circular economy for Bangladesh, experts said.
They said the current practice of consumption has devastating effects for humans, wildlife and the planet and all this clearly underlines that our current practice of consumption and managing waste is not at all sustainable.
“It is high time that we shift to zero waste approach,” Lawmaker Habibun Nahar said while addressing a discussion on “Journey towards Zero-Waste Community’ was organized by Environment and Social Development Organization-ESDO in association with Alliance Française de Dhaka on Monday night at Alliance Française de Dhaka, Auditorium Nouvelle Vague.
Syed Marghub Murshed, former secretary of Bangladesh and ESDO Chairperson said that several success examples of community engagement in developed and developing nations have reinforced the concept that municipal corporations cannot function in isolation and that waste management requires the active participation of all stakeholders
Md Moniruzzaman, Additional Secretary of Environment, Forest and Climate Change affairs Ministry, said, “Waste segregation and reuse have been highlighted in the Solid Waste Management Rule 2021.”
“We think that with the community’s spontaneous engagement, we will be able to create a sustainable waste management system,” he added. Singer Rezwana Chowdhury Bonna, veteran actress Dilara Zaman and Actor Azizul Hakim, among others, spoke on the occasion.
