Acute gas crisis in port city

Chittagong Bureau :
The daylong crisis of gas has made the lives of people in port city miserable. The gas supply to the domestic users and dwelling houses remain suspended from 8 am to 4 pm every day in last week. The people cannot complete their necessary works including cooking and official jobs. The productions in the industries were severely hampered due to crisis of gas and power.
According to sources, gas supply used to be suspended from 8 am to 4 pm at the maximum areas in the port city. As a result, people of Chittagong suffered a lot. The housewives could not cook foods for family members. The hotels and restaurants also could not cook for several days. As a result, the suffering of people in Chittagong was unlimited. Besides, the production in the industries were hampered severely in the industrial areas at Kalurghat, Baizid Bostami, Sitakunda, Patenga in last two weeks. Particularly, the production of garment sector hampered severely due to gas and power crisis. The gas supply was suspended due to lack of production of gas by the Karnaphuli Gas Distribution Company Limited (KGDCL).
The KGDCL cannot supply gas for house hold use as the pressure of gas is very low and the new compressor at Ashugonj is yet to be set. As a result, the production of the industries can not run.
Productions in more than 1200 industries including heavy industries like steel and re-rolling mills, 400 garment factories remained stop and severely hampered recently causing Tk thousand crore lose, concerned sources said. Mohammed Abdul Hai, owner of Sikdar Hotel at Jamal Khan road in the city said, “We cannot cook foods for the customers due the gas crisis. The hotels and restaurants have stopped selling tea at the first hours of the day as the supply of gas stopped at that time at city areas.” Hasina Momtaj, a housewife said, “We cannot cook foods for the gas crisis. Besides, the supplied gas is not sufficient to meet necessities for domestic use. We are suffering every day.” Mofij Uddin, a dweller at Nandan Kanon said crisis of gas and power made their lives miserable. The can not do their regular works due to crisis of gas and power.
The gas supply, however, resumed at 4 pm on Tuesday. But, the pressure of gas is very low to run the regular work.
Sources said, pressure of supplied gas is very low and people of port city are not getting any gas for their domestic use. Besides, the authority has suspended the gas supply to the industries particularly at the re-rolling mills from September 11 last year in the port city Chittagong. As a result, the sufferings of the people of Chittagong are increasing day by day and the production of the mills is being hampered severely due to the crisis of gas. The locals and leaders of business community expressed deep concern over the suspension of gas.
According to the sources and locals, the supply of gas has decreased alarmingly from last several days. As a result, the maximum areas of the port city remain gasless at least for 8 hours everyday. Karnaphuli Gas Distribution Company Limited (KGDCL) sources said, the supply of gas is less than 50 percent than the demand. The total demand of gas in Chittagong is 450 million CFT. But the KGDCL is supplying only 200 million CFT of gas daily. Sources said, dissatisfaction is spreading among the businessmen and industrialists in the port city over the gas crunch to the industries of Chittagong.
President of CCCI Mahbubul Alam said, “Gas is most important particle for industrial and economical development of the country as well as the port city Chittagong. KGDCL is supplying 210 to 220 million cft gas in Chittagong against the total demand more than 360 to 450 million cft. The GDP was decreased 29 percent in industrial sector due to only crisis of gas, Besides, thousands crores of investment of the industrialists in the port is being idol due to the gas crisis as the crisis of gas hampered the production severely in Chittagong. Many foreign orders have already been cancelled in the past years due to the crisis of gas. As a result, the images of our businessmen and country are damaged for canceling the foreign orders in garment sectors. “
President of CMCCI and Chairman of KDS Group of Industries Alhaj Khalilur Rahman said, “The government and authorities concerned have stopped giving gas connection to any industry in last three years. Moreover, the industries which have gas connections are not getting adequate gas for their production. The investors can not set up any new industry in Chittagong due to crisis of gas.”
He further said, “it is true that there is no adequate gas in our country. So, we have to import Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) from other countries. If the government will not take decision to import LNG, the crisis of gas and power will not be solved.” Sources said, crisis of gas and power is prime obstacles for industrial development in Chittagong. The industries at Kalurghat, Sitakunda, Chittagong Export Processing Zone (CEPZ) and garment industries are suffering from inadequate supply of gas and power in Chittagong.
According to CCCI more than 200 industrial units are now in pipe line for going to production. Of those, 68 industrial units are quite ready to go to production. But due to shortage of gas those industries could not go to production. The supply of additional 200 million CFT gas is now a daydream for Bakhrabad Gas Systems limited as it failed to meet regular demand of the city. The total demand of Chittagong is met by the productions of Sangu, Bakhrabad, Feni, Salda, and Meghna gas fields. At present, supply of gas to other industrial units has been badly affected. Smooth and proper supply of gas to those industrial units are being disrupted due to shortage of production in the country’s gas field.
