Actress Shimu’s husband killed her, says probe report


Court Correspondent :
Film actress Raima Islam Shimu was killed by her husband Khandaker Shakhawat Alim Nobel over a family feud, according to a probe report.
And Nobel’s friend SMY Abdullah Farhad assisted him in destroying the evidence of the murder, Md Shahidul Islam, Inspector of Keraniganj Model Police Station and Investigation Officer (IO) of the murder case, said in the probe report.
Inspector Shahidul on Tuesday submitted the investigation report accusing Nobel and his friend Farhad to the Chief Judicial Magistrate’s Court of Dhaka. The charge sheet of the case will be placed in the court on September 18, the IO said.
Shimu’s body was recovered from a sack found in a roadside bush near Hazratpur Bridge in Aliapur in Dhaka’s Keraniganj on January 17.
