Actors’outstanding roles carry film


Entertainment Report :
Lal Moroger Jhuti is based on the story during the Liberation War of Bangladesh. Talented director Nurul Alam Atique gave direction of the movies besides writing its script. After releasing the movie, its story, actors’ performances and cinematography attracted the viewers’ attention.
Actors’ performances in the movie specially Ahmed Rubel in role of Shaheb Ali, Bhabna in role of Podmo, Shahjahan Samrat in role of Capt Javed Naqvi, and Jyotika Jyoti in role of Dipali were outstanding. Laila Hasan, Shilpi Sarkar Apu, Elora Gohor, Ashish Khondokar, Swagata, Khalilur Rahman Kaderi, Joyraj and Doyel also acted well in the film. Viewers were also impressed by Sumon Sarkar’s cinematography.
Basically the story during the Liberation War, which was presented by director Nurul Alam Atique in the movie, was absolutely unknown to the viewers. In that unknown story, the character Podmo was presented round the movie silently. By killing Capt Javed Naqvi, Podmo ensured
the victory of the country which was presented at the end of movie.
The viewers who watched Lal Moroger Jhuti appreciated actors’
acting, story making, direction and
cinematography of the movie. Actor Ahmed Rubel, who played
the role of Shaheb Ali in the film, said, “Though I have friendship with Nurul Alam Atique from many years but I got the scope to work under his direction many days later. I really enjoyed a lot under Nurul Alam Atique directed all works. When he called me to work, I did it cordially and joyfully and also blended with my characters. Same thing also happened in case of Lal Moroger Jhuti. It
is really a likeable matter that I am
getting positive response for this movie.” Bhabna shared her feelings by this way, “After watching this movie, everybody appreciated my character Podmo in the film. Basically they are appreciating last scene of the movie which still makes me excited. As I couldn’t get the opportunity to take part in the Liberation War, so acting in this film might give me taste the essence of participation in the Liberation War. I think so.”
