Actions to be taken for negligence of polls duty: EC


UNB, Dhaka :Election Commissioner Md Shah Nawaz on Monday warned that tough actions will be taken against election officials in case of any negligence during the upazila polls.He came up with the warning while talking to reporters at the EC Secretariat ahead of the first phase voting in 97 upazilas to be held on Wednesday.”If the allegation of any negligence against election officials is proved, stern actions will be taken against them,” the commissioner told the journalists.Mentioning that the law and order situation in the election areas is normal, Shah Nawaz said the commission directed the law enforcement agencies to remain careful, especially about the security of the minority community people, in the upazilas. Meanwhile, electioneering in the 97 upazilas ends on Monday midnight.Shah Nawaz said the law enforcers have also been asked to remain alert so that people can exercise their franchise freely and without fear.About the violation of the election code of conduct, the commissioner said it will act based on specific complaints to the returning officers concerned, not on the basis of newspaper reports.Replying to a query about the long overdue polls to bifurcated Dhaka City Corporation (DCC) — Dhaka South City Corporation and Dhaka North City Corporation, Shah Nawaz said, “We’re ready to arrange the polls, but cannot do due to delimitation complexities.”
