Accused of assaulting teacher in Barisal Polytech commits suicide


BCL activists blocked road after the BCL cadre accused for assaulting teacher in Barisal Polytechnic committed suicide on Tuesday.
Hanging dead body of Israfil Mim, 20, the BCL cadre and fifth semester student of electro-medical department of Barisal Government Polytechnic Institute was recovered from the Dolon Miar student-mess near the institute on Tuesday evening, said Hasan, class mate of Israfil.
Israfil was missing since noon and classmates searching for him when went to mess found the room locked from inside and broke the door receiving no-reply after repeated knocking and recovering his hanging dead body brought to Barisal Sher E Bangla Medical College Hospital, told Hasan.
There Dr. Riaz Hossain, emergency medical officer of SBMCH confirmed the death of Israfil by hanging.
Shakahwat Hossain, Kotwali police station in charge, said they informed Ibrahim Haoladar from Kalibari area of Bhola district town and father of Israfil and decision of autopsy would be taken after arrival of the family members.
