Accused flees from courtroom before announcing verdict


Barisal Correspondent :
An accused fled from court room before announcing verdict in Barisal on Wednesday.
Witnesses and court sources said, Hasan Haoladar, son of Sultan Haoladar of Chamta village under Bakerganj upazila of Barisal was accused in a case of stealing six kgs betel- nut from the stock of wholesaler Akbar Kha of Neamoti Bazar of the upazila.
A case was lodged in this connection with Bakerganj police station in 2011.
Accused Hasan was sentenced to one-year rigorous imprisonment by Mosaddek Minhaj, senior judicial magistrate of Barisal on December 13, 2012.
Hasan lodging appeal against the verdict received bail from the courtand Wednesday was the date for announcing verdict of that appeal.
