Rape attempt: Accused beaten to death in Jhenaidah

UNB, Jhenaidah :
An accused in a case over rape attempt was beaten to death reportedly by his neighbor at Kulbaria in Sadar upazila on Thursday.
The deceased was identified as Ahhad Ali, son of Moslem Uddin of the village.
Quoting locals, Additional Superintendent of Jhenaidah Police Milu Mia Biswas, said Ahad i tried to vilate the daughter of his neighbour when she went to his house on Sunday.
Later, the girl’s family filed an attempt to rape case on that day and since then Ahad remained fugitive.
On Thursday, when Ahad Ali returned to his village the plaintiff of the case along with others swooped on him at a local market and beat him up mercilessly, leaving him injured.