Accreditation system will promote subservient journalism


THE Press Council’s latest initiative to make professional certificates for journalists mandatory is seen as nothing but a tactical attempt to tighten its grip on the mass media. According to the proposal, as disclosed by the Chairman of the Press Council, a person willing to take up journalism as a career has to pass a professional examination, although whether this would apply for those who are already in the profession with or without such a certificate, is not yet known. After imposing several restrictions on mass media regarding what it publishes or broadcasts, the attempt to control journalists will dry up the soul and zeal of the creative profession. While, mass media is considered as the fourth pillar of the state, the temperament to certify the journalists will create vagueness in society that might create an atmosphere where journalists would need to praise the government only and public criticisms would remain out of focus.
It’s reported that under the Press Council Amended Act, anyone could lodge defamatory cases with the Council instead of the regular courts. If that happens then the Press Council is likely to function like a de facto court. Such a certification method is not the only way of preventing yellow journalism. There are other ways too. Interestingly, for issuing the certificates the government had to choose the Council that since its inception repeatedly failed to live up to its mandate. Journalists are regarded as the guard of a society. They are supposed to work for democracy, good governance, human rights and against corruption, violence, communal discord and crime. The Council said that the certificates will enhance the quality of mass media and reduce yellow journalism but in true sense the attempt would politicize the newsmen and establish more restriction on news publishing.
Journalism is literature written in a hurry and it is impossible to set a device to check the competency level of a writer by his content. What are the qualities which must be checked? If any method is implemented to check the competence of journalists nobody will become a journalist but will instead become a corporate officer. Journalism is not a job; it’s a career of passionate individuals. Most of the veteran journalists of the country did not come from academic backgrounds related to journalism and never received any academic certificate but put the sign of excellence by their deeds.
The fear is that the certified journalist is going to operate according to the rules of the authority that will certify him. And if that’s the case then we are afraid of the future of journalism and of the voices of the public that will put the last nail in the coffin of democracy. While, many knowledgeable persons suggested that journalists should check the temptations to become party activists as they have an important role to play as civil society members in a democracy, the initiative will turn the creativity of journalists into mere mechanical functions.
