Accord’s report hurts local garment makers

Staff Reporter :
The Accord on Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh is acting to harm Bangladesh’s readymade garment sector, alleged a garment owner.
Mozammel Haq, Chairman and Managing Director of Liberty Fashion Wear Limited raised the allegation at a press conference on Sunday.
“The authorities of Accord have given non-compliance report to the buyers though Liberty Fashion Wear implemented safety and compliance rules,” he added.
He also claimed that the factory has obtained certificates on compliance from the BGMEA, BUET and other related government and private agencies, and even from the ILO.
“More than 5,000 workers lost their jobs due to the closure of the factory. Tk350 crore export orders have already been cancelled as a result of the factory closure which forced to piling up bank liabilities,” said Mozammel Haq.
“If Accord’s assessment on my factory is true, then reports of BUET, BGMEA, ILO and other government agencies are false? Questioned the aggrieved garment owner.
“I eagerly urge the government and other related agencies to look into the matter for justice,” Haq said.
He also claimed that reputed global buyers like TESCO and Primark cancelled their orders due to Accord’s report.