
Of DCC Polls Result Logically!

Muhammad Quamrul Islam :
Both electronic and print media of Bangladesh carried an evaluation of Dhaka North and South City Corporations’ elections by an NGO Shujan (citizen for good governance) presented at Dhaka Reporters Unity’s auditorium on February 24, 2020. It contained some unscientific data and abstract remarks with no recommendations, which are far away from evaluation techniques, frankly speaking. Is it to satisfy their stake holders or voucher the fund received with little concern at heart for voters and the country and put the domestic folk in fear? Earlier, we have seen reports of foreign funded election monitoring groups as usual, since 1990s, and how these are taken by the concerned authorities and political parties are not know. It seems they hardly care, for obvious reasons.
Shujan summed up peaceful elections were more dangerous! Then what to do, there is no analysis point wise, which could be helpful for coming Chittagong City Corporation election and 4 by-elections to Parliament. What political parties registered with Election Commission numbering 40+ will do to contest freely and fairly the next elections, be it local and national. Election Commission and political parties are to ensure free and fair elections, as in neighboring West Bengal, India and elsewhere. True, there are only two parties; other 38+ are actually toeing anyone of Awami League and Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) with no vote base theorizing their positions which are actually personal aggrandizement.
Then, how to ensure truly competitive multi- party democratic election; why Election Commission has registered parties with no vote base but sign board or press release party known to all and it does not review the activities of each party to determine their performance either for continuation or deregistration annually. Representation of Peoples’ Order RPO that contained party registration by one eleven non-party caretaker government of Dr. Fakhruddin Ahmed of Dhaka University 1961 batch backed by Army may be updated by the Election Commission in the light of the rules in force in neighboring countries.
Yes, civil society NGOs working in this sphere in our country have enough experiences and no foreign consultants or foreign tours are needed to while away the time at cost of tax payers money. There is bipartisan Dhaka University teachers who regularly hold Teachers Association election annually no matter which regime in power now can advise their respective party- ruling Awami League and Opposition BNP. As an example, a hundred citizen committees headed by Prof Emajuddin Ahmed for long – usher in inner party democracy as well as ensure free fair local and national elections. Why and how to tackle rebel candidates of two party in the elections as they are not inclined to go to any other party for nomination for obvious reasons. Other parties are not serious about election but put up a show to move around and get something. Say, they will receive invitations to move in the corridors of power, seen time and again.
Shujan reported except Awami League, position of other political parties were weak; why say other political parties say opposition BNP because others were dummy candidates of voter less parties for personal aggrandizement that is no secret. Why BNP could not protest seeing various irregularities? Ask this question to BNP and seek rectifications, instead of spreading fear culture making the voters bewildered. How full-fledged Inquiry demanded by Secretary to get back the confidence of voters will come has not been stated? Inquiry by whom, is Election Commission not sufficient? It will be costly futile give no relief to the voters. It is not a question of confidence on election system, but political system as a whole, which its President former caretaker adviser is well aware of who belongs to Dhaka University 1961 batch. To smell discrepancy between voters’ presence and number of votes cast is without ground. On line vote does not mean anything.
 Low turnout of voters is logical caused by various socio-economic reasons. It has been reported in the media by various sources that the number of youth voters is 26 lakh which would be the determining factor in the election. Why they have mostly lost interest in elections are not far to seek. The burning question is unemployment from which they find no way out and deeply distressed. What they see around, rampant corruptions, bribery in each stage in seeking employment or business does not inspire them to go to polling booths spending time and money. To cross swords over less than 30% votes cast, instead of looking into the cause for remedial actions right now or recurrently call for re run or fresh elections would not be any good for the country as well as solicit responses of the voters.
Of youth unemployment pitiable condition is of unemployed University degree holders, statistics and views appeared in credible media time and again, but they have not received any allowance to subsist and try for employment or business. Meanwhile, various groups have got allowances for which they are not jealous but wait for monthly unemployment allowance. A detailed plan for their employment may be drawn and implemented forthwith who will contribute to the growth of the country. This is brought to the notice of Bangabandhu’s daughter PM Sheikh Hasina in the spirit of Mujib Year.
 We are told even party men beneficiaries had not shown enthusiasm to vote as candidate of their choice has not received nomination, nomination seeking candidates felt frustrated and their families and friends. On the other hand, poor voters, slum dwellers see multi-storied buildings around but their lives in misery. How they will get time managing their household works, transport is costly cannot have easily in Dhaka city traffic conditions.
(Muhammad Quamrul Islam, economist, advocate and columnist)