Accept demand by Sunday or face tougher prog: BNP

Hundreds of students of different institutions formed a human chain on Thursday in front of BNP Chief's Gulshan office demanding to keep educational activities out of the purview of ongoing hartal and blockade programmes.
Hundreds of students of different institutions formed a human chain on Thursday in front of BNP Chief's Gulshan office demanding to keep educational activities out of the purview of ongoing hartal and blockade programmes.

BNP on Thursday threatened to announce a tougher action programme on Sunday if the government does not take any step by the time for holding an election under a non-party administration.
In a statement, BNP joint secretary general Salahuddin Ahmed said, “The victory of people in the mass movement is very imminent. Quit power and save the nation and the country accepting the mass demand before the time runs out. Arrange parliamentary polls under a non-party government as per people’s desire.” He further said, “If you do that, people will consider with sympathy about your safe exit. Or else, we’ll be forced to declare a tougher programme again from Sunday.” The BNP leader said their ongoing non-stop peaceful transport blockade will continue until the current democratic movement’s victory is attained. He, on behalf of, BNP chairperson Khaleda Zia, urged the country’s people and 20-party leaders and activists to carry out the blockade programme in a peaceful manner.
Salahuddin thanked people and 20-party men for making their five consecutive days’ hartal programme that ended 6pm Thursday a success. Referring to the Prime Minister’s remark that public wraths will bring an end to the current situation, he said Sheikh Hasina has finally realised that it’s not possible to subdue people’s movement by carrying out repression and suppression by law enforcers.
“The Prime Minister has said people will put up resistances. But she announced a war against 95 percent people of the country after getting five percent vote in the January-5 farcical election. The glasshouse of the illegal government will fall apart very soon in the face of a strong resistance by the majority people. Earlier in the day, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in a meeting with senior officials of various Divisions under the Finance Ministry said, “Now it’s a matter of hope that the country’s people are now much aware and aren’t accepting such destructive acts like burning people to death and causing damage to public property through arson attacks. People have started resisting these acts.”
Salahuddin slammed Deputy Inspector General (DIG) of police of Chittagong range Shafiqul Islam for his remark that police force has the capability to avenge one killing with two, saying the consequences cannot be good of those officials who make such comments.
