Accelerate spiritual progress

Abdul Muqit Chowdhury :
The Holy Quran reveals : “I have only created Jinns and man that they may serve Me.” ( Sura Zariyat 51:56)
‘Ibadat’ has much wider sense than the English word ‘serve’ or ‘worship’.
‘Worship’ normally indicates to some specific rituals meant exclusively to show one’s reverence to the Creator. But ibadat embodies any act done or ritual observed according to Allah’s commands and injunctions which is dedicated as Allah’s obedience and for His satisfaction. It is not restricted to such acts or rituals as in case of ‘worship’. It has comprehensive sense. As Islam is the complete code of life covering all activities — personal, social, national and international, — acts seem to be mundane in nature are also included in the sphere of ibadat. As for example, one’s livelihood. As it is also an ibadat, it should be earned through lawful permissible means. We know, one earns for obligation to one’s dependants in the family. Halal earning is a pre-condition of all ibadat. Ibadat, thus includes the Heavenly ordained injunctions, rituals including the mundane acts. These acts have a auxilary and complementary role in ibadat which contribute to observe the complete Islamic Code of life.
Salat (prayer) Siyam (fasting), Hajj and Jakat are ibadat of top importance. These are direct ibadat as enjoined in the Quran and Sunnah. Indirect acts of ibadat are related to one’s worldly life like eating, drinking, earning and association with one’s family members, relatives and other human beings. The Muslims with their allegiance to the commands of Allah should see that these material aspects do not prevail over the spiritual and most important and significant rituals of ibadat.
Generally, it is observed that we are absorbed in the worldly affairs and the material aspect seems to be prevailing, which should not be the way of observing any ibadat.
Fasting is the third Rukn (pillar) of Islam — one of the most important way of ibadat. This golden period of Ramzan should be reserved for the pleasure of Allah. Mundane activities of ibadat will have complementary role in this major ibadat. But nothing worldly should prevail over any religious obligation relating to direct ibadat as Salat, Siyam, Hajj and Jakat.
We have the obligation to maintain a balance between spiritual and material aspects of life. We should give prime importance on fasting and related ibadat in this month and minimise the mundane activities, so that we may accelerate spiritual progress for nearness to Allah Rabbul Aalameen.