ACC was on clean chit spree in 2015

UNB, Dhaka :
The Anti Corruption Commission (ACC) has cleared some 590 suspects from graft charges during 2015, setting a record in giving clean chits since its inception in 2004.
Official statistics show that the Commission approved a total of 542 final reports (FRs) still November of 2015 clearing as many graft suspects.
The ACC also approved about 50 final reports in December, which are yet to be included in the official statistics. So, the number of final reports will go up in 2015, ACC spokesman and public relations officer Pranab Kumar Bhattacharya told UNB on Thursday.
The Commission approved 499 final reports in 2014 while 409 in 2013 and 382 FRs in 2012.
In December 2015, the ACC cleared former chairman of the National Board of Revenue (NBR) Golam Hossain and managing director of Dhaka WASA (Water Supply and Sewerage Authority) Engr Taqsem A Khan of graft allegations. On October 20, 2015, the Corruption gave clean chit to chairman of Chittagong Port Authority (CPA) Rear Admiral Mohammad Nizamuddin Ahmed of graft allegations.
Among the top graft suspects who got clean chits this year are former chairman of Basic Bank Abdul Hye, former chairman of Petrobangla Dr Hossain Mansur and commandant of Police’s Range Reserve Force Mizanur Rahman. ACC commissioner M Shahabuddin said the Commission generally launches probes taking graft allegations into account and gives its reports based on merits of the inquires.
After conducting probes into the allegations, he said, if the ACC does not find any corruption or irregularity against the graft suspects, it then approves final reports on the probes.
According to official data, the national anti-graft body filed a total of 478 cases up to November in 2015 while 321 in 2014, 360 in 2013 and 521 in 2012. The ACC recorded the highest 979 cases in 2008 and 701 in 2007 during the army-backed last caretaker government.
The Commission submitted chargesheets in 536 cases up to November 2015 while 460 in 2014, 517 in 2013, 588 in 2012 and 616 in 2011. Although the ACC submitted relatively more chargesheets in recent years, accused in most of the cases are getting released by court due to poor investigation of the Commission, an ACC senior official told UNB wishing not to be named. He said graft accused in 59 percent cases got released in 2014 while 54 percent in 2013.