ACC summons 20 Krishi Bank officials

UNB, Dhaka :
The Anti Corruption Commission (ACC) on Thursday summoned 20 officials of Krishi Bank, including its eight managers, in connection with a Tk 152 crore loan scam.
ACC deputy director and inquiry officer Zulfikar
Ali sent notices the bank officials asking them to be present at its head office on April 21-23, ACC sources said.
They said Wahidur Rahman, a businessman, earlier took loans totalling about Tk 1,000 crore from five commercial banks, including Tk 152 crore from Krishi Bank, showing fake documents. Later, he in collusion with the bank officials embezzled the amount.
The ACC launched a probe into the loan scam on September 24, 2014.
Earlier, March last, the ACC grilled a number of City Bank officials in connection with the loan scam.