ACC needs to conduct research to fight graft

UNB, Dhaka :
As per its act, the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) is supposed to fight corruption by identifying its underlying causes through conducting research, but the anti-graft body has never been able to practice it since its inception in 2004.
As outlined by the Anti-Corruption Commission Act 2004, the national anti-graft body has a research cell, but in practice it has no work for lack of rules, official sources said.
About the ACC functions, Section 17 (f) of the ACC Act 2004 states the Commission may carry out research on prevention of corruption and submit recommendations to the President over the actions to be taken on the basis of the research findings.
“More importantly, there’s a basic difference between research and probe works…carrying out probes and conducting research are not the same thing,” a senior official said wishing anonymity.
He, however, said the Commission is planning to prepare a guideline so that it can carry out research to effectively carry out its anti-graft activities.
Asked where the ACC has any research initiative to identity the nature of pervasive corruption, ACC Chairman M Badiuzzaman said the ACC has given emphasis on research to know why the corruption is committed and find ways to prevent graft in the country.
“We’ve a research cell, which is working in this regard.”
“I agree, we cannot carry out extensive research on graft, but we have a plan to strengthen our research activities. Our officials are encouraged to strengthen the research cell. We hope we’ll be able to conduct extensive research on corruption in the coming days,” he added.
Executive Director of the Transparency International Bangladesh (TIB) Dr Iftekharuzzaman said the ACC could not conduct research since its inception and there is no sign in sight to do so in near future.
“Even the existing ACC officials are not capable of conducting research. To reverse the situation, it’ll have to decide first in principle that it’ll launch a research initiative and then it should go for recruiting staff to its research cell,” he said. About the importance of research, Dr Iftekhar said if the ACC conducts research, it will help know the reasons behind the corruption in addition to identifying the worst graft-hit sectors.
Like many other countries in the world, corruption is also rampant in Bangladesh. To fight the all-pervasive menace, the government set up the Anti Corruption Commission (ACC) in 2014, but its fight against the menace still remain ineffective for its various limitations.