ACC launches probe over appointment in Milk Vita


Staff Reporter :
The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) has launched an inquiry into the complaint that some 500 employees have been appointed in the Milk Vita company taking from Tk one lakh to Tk three from each of them as kickback.
The ACC, on receipt of the information, has taken it into cognizance and assigned its Assistant Director Amirul Islam to look into the matter under the supervision of Director Golam Yahiya.
In 2013, the Cooperative Directorate structuring a seven-member committee with Milk Vita’s
Vice-Chairman Shafiqur Rahman as the chief directed the committee to appoint workers, giving priority to those workers who temporarily served the company between 2000 and 2008.
But the committee ignoring the directive finalised the appointment of 500 workers on April 17.
On April 18, the workers, who worked in the state-owned milk producing and marketing company on irregular basis during the depicted duration, demonstrated in front of its head office demanding their appointments.
