ACC chargesheet Nzmul Huda over fake case


Court Correspondent :
The Senior Special Judge’s Court of Dhaka yesterday fixed November 24 to take into cognizance the charge sheet, the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) submitted to the court in a case filed against former Communications Minister Barrister Najmul Huda on the charge of filing a false case accusing former Chief Justice SK Sinha.
Judge KM Imrul Kayesh of the court found the charge sheet and fixed the date. Officer Zulfikar Ali of the ACC General Registration (GR) Branch of the court confirmed the matter on Monday.
ACC Director Syed Iqbal Hosssain of Dhaka Division Office-1 lodged the case against Najmul Huda on February 19 last year.
It has been learnt that Najmul Huda filed a case against SK Sinha with Shahbagh Police Station of the city on September 27, 2018. In case dossier Najmul Huda complained a judgement of a case against him was changed being influenced illegally, which was earlier rejected in the apex court during the Care-Taker Government. Huda’s case document says that SK Sinha wanted bribe of Tk two crore and one crore 25 lakh, and that was half of a bank’s guaranty worth Tk 2.5 crore.
